Boxing Star Wiki

League mode is a mode where players fight another user's Main Character for Star Points.

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  • Each match is three rounds
  • The Fighter that knocks out the other fighter within three rounds will be the winner
  • A fighter that cannot get up within ten seconds of a knockdown loses
  • If the match goes all three rounds, the user with the highest percentage of HP left will be the winner
  • Receive League Reward Packages/Boxes by winning Matches.
  • Match Wins earn Star Points and Match Losses lose Star Points
  • Collect Star Points to move up in Leagues to receive better League Reward Packages.Boxes
  • While fighting in a League Match, leaving the Match by "Give Up" in the pause menu results in a loss

How to Play[]

  • Press the 'League' button from the Main Screen to enter League Mode
  • Search for Opponents by spending Coins.
  • Fight and Opponent by pressing the 'Fight' button.
  • After winning a match, you will receive a League Reward Package or Box. If you four League Reward Slots are full on the Home Screen, you will not receive any new League Reward Packages or Boxes until one of those has been opened
  • League Reward Packages/Boxes will be determined by which League your account is in when winning (i.e. Victory in League 9 will result in League 9 Reward Packages)

League Reward Packages/Boxes[]

League 1 League 2 League 3 League 4 League 5 League 6 League 7 League 8 League 9 League 10
Small Package 5 minutes
Small Box 10 minutes 10 minutes
Large Package 30 minutes 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours
Large Box 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours 8 hours
Premium Box 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours
Exotic Box 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day
Emma’s League Reward Box 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours

League Star Points[]

League 1 League 2 League 3 League 4 League 5 League 6 League 7 League 8 League 9 League 10
Star points 0 - 299 300 - 799 800 - 1299 1300 - 1799 1800 - 2299 2300 - 2799 2800 - 3299 3300 - 3799 3800 - 5999 6000 and up

Different amounts of Star Points are awarded and lost depending on the Star Points gap between players. For example:

  • Player A = 7000 Star Points. Player B = 8000 Star Points.
    • If Player A wins, Player A receives 40 Star Points. Player B loses 40 Star Points.
    • If Player B wins, Player B receives 20 Star Points. Player A loses 20 Star Points.
  • Player C = 7000 Star Points. Player D = 8000 Star Points.
    • If Player C wins, Player C receives 30 Star Points. Player D loses 30 Star Points.
    • If Player D wins, Player D receives 30 Star Points. Player C loses 30 Star Points.
    • An S victory is a round 1 victory, which is the best victory of all. If a lot of previously beaten opponents have been beaten S, you could be a pro 1st try.
    • An A victory is mediocre and most likely to happen.
    • A B victory is the worst victory of all. If a lot of previously beaten opponents have been beaten B, you could be horrible at the game.
